Supervalu - JV Cummins

  • Mayo, F31 P802, Ireland


Are Retailers obliged to have a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) to take back empty ‘in scope’ containers?

Retailers may opt for either manual return or for automatic collection, through Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs). Retailers have the choice of whether they opt for a reverse vending machine or not. It is not compulsory for any retailer to have a reverse vending machine.

Why are we moving from putting bottles & cans in the green bin to Deposit Return?

To date, over approximately 60% of plastic bottles and cans are being collected for recycling through recycling bins, which means that over 30% are not collected, leading to increased littering.

By placing a value on the drinks containers, we are incentivising consumers to return their bottles and cans in order to get their deposit back and discourage littering. The Deposit Return Scheme is a circular economy initiative that aims to create a closed loop recycling system guaranteeing the material is returned and recycled into new drinks containers.

In addition, with the separate collection of drinks containers, there is no cross contamination and a higher quality of recyclate is collected, which is more efficient.

My drinks container did not have a Re-turn logo on it, but I was still charged a deposit?

Should consumers be charged a deposit on a drinks container, please be assured that you will get your deposit back when you return it empty and undamaged to Reverse Vending Machine Deposit Return Points nationwide.

Starting February 1, 2024, retailers have a 4-month transition period during which they can sell both new drinks containers with the Re-turn logo and older drinks containers that do not feature this logo. During this time, drinks containers can incur a deposit in two ways:

  • By having the Re-turn logo with a registered barcode
  • By having a barcode that is registered as part of the scheme without the Re-turn logo.

During the transition period, there will be old drink containers without a logo and with barcode not registered with the scheme; these drinks containers will not incur a deposit charge.

From June 1, all drinks containers included in the scheme will feature the Re-turn logo and barcode. If a consumer is in any doubt about whether their container is eligible for a refund on a deposit, they can visit to verify.

Can I return drinks containers bought before the 1st of February 2024?

Drinks purchased before 1 February, 2024 are not included in the Deposit Return Scheme but should still be recycled. From 1 February, 2024, when you purchase an ‘in scope’ drinks container, you will be charged a small deposit in addition to the purchase price of the drink. This deposit will be fully refunded when you return your empty, undamaged drinks container.

How much is the deposit fee?

From 1 February, 2024, when you buy a drink featuring the Re-turn logo, you will be charged a small deposit  in addition to the price of the drink. The drinks containers included in the Scheme  are PET plastic bottles and aluminium and steel cans between 150mls and 3 litres. A deposit of 15c will apply to containers from 150ml to 500ml inclusive and a deposit of 25c for containers over 500mls to 3 litres inclusive.

How do I get my deposit back?

To prevent waste, for a limited period, from 1 February there will be some stock of plastic bottles and cans that may not feature the Re-turn logo. Should consumers be charged a deposit on these drinks containers, please be assured that you will get your deposit back when you return to RVM Deposit Return Points nationwide.

Consumers may return containers to a retailer that takes them back over the counter (manual), or through the use of a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM). If returning to an RVM, you must insert all Re-turn drinks containers as instructed and you will then be issued with a voucher which may be redeemed at the till.  *It is important to note that vouchers issued from an RVM must be redeemed at the same retail outlet.

Do I have a choice on how my deposit is refunded?

You will have the choice to receive your refund against a store-bought purchase or in cash.

How do I use a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM)?

All Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs) will have clear instructions on how drinks containers featuring the Re-turn logo are to be inserted into the machine. When containers are inserted, the machine reads the containers, confirms they are part of the Deposit Return Scheme, and then issues a voucher for the amount of containers returned. Consumers may then present this voucher at the till for full refund or against store purchase.

*It is important to note that vouchers issued from an RVM must be redeemed at the same retail outlet.

Why are there different deposit fees for different containers?

The variable deposit fees reflect the size of the drinks containers and is reflective of the value of the material. The larger the container, the more valuable the plastic and aluminium for recycling purposes.

The drinks containers included in the Scheme  are PET plastic bottles and aluminium and steel cans between 150mls and 3 litres. A deposit of 15c will apply to containers 500mls or less and a deposit of 25c for each container from 500ml to 3 litres.

What drinks containers can I return? 

PET plastic drinks containers, steel and aluminum cans between 150ml and 3 litres that show the Re-turn logo are accepted. They will need to be empty, undamaged and the barcode needs to be clearly legible.

*To prevent waste, for a limited period, from 1 February there will be some stock of plastic bottles and cans that may not feature the Re-turn logo. Should consumers be charged a deposit on these drinks containers, please be assured that you will get your deposit back when you return to RVM Deposit Return Points nationwide.

Not all drinks containers are eligible for Deposit Return. No dairy products are included in the Scheme. Eg. Milk, yogurt drinks. These containers will  not have a Re-turn logo, but should still be recycled.

Do I have to remove the lid when returning my plastic bottle?

You can return your empty, undamaged plastic bottle with or without the lid. We recommend returning bottles with caps, because this will ensure that the cap is recycled, too. Also, if the bottle cap is still on, it is easier to preserve the shape of the bottle.

Why doesn’t the Deposit Return Scheme include glass?

Currently, Ireland has a recycling rate of over 80% for glass and is surpassing recycling targets for this material. As a result, there are no plans to include glass in the Scheme but this may be open to change in the future.

What will happen to the drink containers once they have been collected?

All containers collected will be sent for recycling. The Deposit Return Scheme focuses on maximising the volume and quality of material collected for recycling.

Who is responsible for delivering the scheme? 

DRSI CLG, trading as Re-turn, is a new company limited by guarantee and was established by beverage producers and retailers in order to fulfil their obligations under the Separate Collection (Deposit Return Scheme) Regulations 2021.

The new Scheme brings together all parties involved in the manufacture, selling and consumption of beverages and has proved very successful internationally in increasing collection rates.

Who is funding the Deposit Return Scheme?

The management and operation of the Deposit Return Scheme does not cost the public or government any money at all. The system is funded through producer fees for each product placed on the market.

How do I use a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM)?

Each RVM will provide a clear set of instructions on how to return your bottles and cans. Instructions will also be displayed on screen.

What can I do if an RVM is malfunctioning?

Notify the Retailer of RVM malfunction.

Have a different question?

Contact us via email:

Or give us a call on 01 461 8680

Do all beverage producers need to register with the Deposit Return Scheme?

Yes- If you produce/manufacture drinks, import them or sell them online, you have a key role to play in the new Deposit Return Scheme and  must  register with Re-turn in order to fulfil your environmental and legislative responsibilities.

Are Retailers obliged to have a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) to take back empty ‘in scope’ containers?

Retailers may opt for either manual return or for automatic collection, through Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs). Retailers have the choice of whether they opt for a reverse vending machine or not. It is not compulsory for any retailer to have a reverse vending machine.

I import drinks for sale on the Irish market, do I need to register with Re-turn?

Yes, Ireland’s DRS Legislation defines a ‘Producer’ as any person, irrespective of the selling technique used, who is first to place  in-scope products on the market in the Republic of Ireland.

How and when can Producers register details of ‘in scope’ drinks products for the Deposit Return Scheme? 

Phase 1 of Registration is now live and Producers are legally obliged to register with the Scheme. On completion of registration and signing of Membership Agreement, Producers will then be required to register all ‘in scope’ products on the Re-turn website from August 1 to late October, 2023, ready for go live in February 2024.

What if I stop producing a product?

You will need to notify Re-turn and remove the product from your registration list.

What is the process when Producers want to introduce new products  onto the market or change an existing product ? 

The registration of new products or changes to existing products and their specifications must be submitted to Re-turn for approval. Sample containers may be required for review by Re-turn.

Are Producers allowed to sell ‘in scope’ products that do not feature the Re-turn logo after 1 February 2024?

No.  All ‘in scope’ products must feature the Re-turn logo and meet the technical and labelling requirements as set out in the Re-turn Technical Specification and Labelling manual.

How is the producer fee calculated?

A Producer Fee will be charged on each unit placed on the ROI market and is based on the net cost principle.

The rate will vary for different materials but will be consistent regardless of the size of the container.​ Details of Producer Fees will be available in December 2022.​

Have a different question?

Contact us via email:

Or give us a call on 01 461 8680

Why Now ?

We are all aware that we need to tackle climate change and transition to a circular economy, whereby we move away from the ‘take, make and dispose culture’ to one of keeping materials in circulation for as long as possible and valuing our limited resources.

Under the SUP Directive, Ireland must ensure the separate collection of 77% of plastic beverage bottles placed on the market by 2025, rising to 90% in 2029.

Deposit Return Schemes are a proven success in over 40 other jurisdictions around the world, including 12 in Europe (and Malta just launched), and will help us reach those recycling targets and deliver significant environmental benefits.

Has the Deposit Return Scheme started already?

The new national Deposit Return Scheme, Re-turn will ‘go live’ in February 2024. There are NO DEPOSIT RETURN PILOT SCHEMES in operation in Ireland at present, as no-one is required to pay a deposit for their bottles and cans.

There are reverse vending machines in place in some retail outlets, encouraging consumers to place their bottles and cans in the machines for charitable purposes or against in-store purchase. They are not part of the Re-turn Scheme and again, a Scheme will not ‘go live’ for consumers until February 2024

Do I have to accept returns of all in scope drinks containers?

Yes. All registered Retailers will be required to accept Re-turn drinks containers regardless of where they were purchased or where the deposit was paid. Retailers will receive a Handling Fee for all containers they take back.

Do all Retailers have to register with the Deposit Return Scheme?

Yes. All Retailers that sell ‘in scope’ drinks – PET plastic bottles, aluminium/steel cans from 150ml to 3 litres – must register with Re-turn in order to fulfil their environmental and legislative responsibilities. Initial registration will open in late November 2022 and all Retailers will be provided with timelines to complete their registration.

Do Retailers have to buy a Reverse Vending Machine?

No. Retailers may opt to take back drink containers either through manual return (over the counter) or by automatic collection (Reverse Vending Machines – RVM) Retailers have the choice of whether they opt for a reverse vending machine or not and may purchase or lease a machine.

Do beverage manufacturers need to change their beverage labelling/barcodes? 

Yes – All ‘in scope’ beverage containers must feature the Re-turn symbol and a new national (or international) barcode. All producers must comply with the labelling guidelines as set out in the Technical Specifications and Labelling Manual provided by Re-turn.

Why doesn’t the Deposit Return Scheme include glass?

Currently, Ireland has a recycling rate of over 80% for glass and is surpassing recycling targets for this material. As a result, there are no plans to include glass in the Scheme but this may be open to change in the future.

Do all Retailers have to register with the Deposit Return Scheme?

Yes. All Retailers that sell ‘in scope’ drinks – PET plastic bottles, aluminium/steel cans from 150ml to 3 litres – must register with Re-turn in order to fulfil their environmental and legislative responsibilities. Initial registration will open in late November 2022 and all Retailers will be provided with timelines to complete their registration.

What beverage containers are included in the Deposit Return Scheme?

PET plastic bottles and aluminium or steel cans  between 150ml and 3 litres are included in the Deposit Return Scheme. All eligible containers will display the Re-turn logo making identification easy for consumers and retailers accepting manual returns.

How does the deposit fee work?

When the Retailer purchases in scope drinks from the Producer, they pay the cost of the drink plus a deposit fee on each unit. Retailers then sell the drink to the consumer and charge the cost of the drink plus the deposit fee. When the consumer finishes the beverage, they will return the empty,  undamaged drinks container to the Retailer and receive a full refund on their deposit fee. The Deposit Scheme Operator pays the retailer for all refunded deposit fees. Therefore, the deposit fee goes full circle and is cost neutral for all involved

Do I have to accept returns of all in scope drinks containers?

Yes. All registered Retailers will be required to accept Re-turn drinks containers regardless of where they were purchased or where the deposit was paid. Retailers will receive a Handling Fee for all containers they take back.

Are Retailers obliged to have a Reverse Vending Machine to take back empty ‘in scope’ containers?

Are Retailers obliged to have a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM) to take back empty ‘in scope’ containers?

Retailers may opt for either manual return or for automatic collection, through Reverse Vending Machines (RVMs). Retailers have the choice of whether they opt for a reverse vending machine or not. It is not compulsory for any retailer to have a reverse vending machine.

Are Retailers compensated for accepting Deposit Return containers?

All Retailers are paid a ‘Handling Fee’  which ensures that the Deposit Return Scheme is cost neutral for them. It covers the associated costs of accepting and sorting drinks containers in the retail environment.  The handling fee will be the same for plastic bottles and cans but will vary according to whether containers are collected manually or through a reverse vending machine.

Can retailers offer consumers the option to use the Deposit Fee refund for in-store purchase or donation to charity instead of a cash refund?

The Consumer will have the choice to use their refunded Deposit Fee against a store bought purchase, receive in cash or put towards a charitable cause.

How do I accept Deposit Return drinks containers?

A Retailer will have two options when offering a take-back service for the empty beverage containers returned by consumers:

Manual collection or

Automatic collection through a Reverse Vending Machine (RVM)

The volume of sales (and expected returns) of beverage containers is a key driver in determining whether a Retailer should rely on manual collection or opt for automatic collection via RVMs.

My drinks container did not have a Re-turn logo on it, but I was still charged a deposit?

Should consumers be charged a deposit on a drinks container, please be assured that you will get your deposit back when you return it empty and undamaged to Reverse Vending Machine Deposit Return Points nationwide.

Starting February 1, 2024, retailers have a 4-month transition period during which they can sell both new drinks containers with the Re-turn logo and older drinks containers that do not feature this logo. During this time, drinks containers can incur a deposit in two ways:

  • By having the Re-turn logo with a registered barcode
  • By having a barcode that is registered as part of the scheme without the Re-turn logo.

During the transition period, there will be old drink containers without a logo and with barcode not registered with the scheme; these drinks containers will not incur a deposit charge.

From June 1, all drinks containers included in the scheme will feature the Re-turn logo and barcode. If a consumer is in any doubt about whether their container is eligible for a refund on a deposit, they can visit to verify.

How do manual returns work?

Consumers return the drinks container over the counter to the Retailer. The Retailer checks that the drinks container is empty, undamaged, features the Re-turn logo and that the barcode is clearly visible. The Consumer is then reimbursed the value of the Deposit. Re-turn reimburses the Retailer for all validated manual returns collected.

How should the accepted drinks containers be sorted and where should it be stored?

Manual collections will be stored in a barcoded bag provided by Re-turn, stored on premise until the collection driver arrives and scans the bag.
RVMs must be emptied when full. The barcoded bag must be sealed and stored on premise until the collection driver arrives who will scan the bag.
All bags and tags for use in both methods will be provided by Re-turn and storage options will be at the discretion of the retailer.

How often are the bags of empty drinks containers removed?

Collections from stores with Reverse Vending Machines and manual collections will operate throughout the week except on Sunday. For some larger retail outlets, there may be up to three collections per week while retailers operating manual returns will have one collection per week. Collection frequencies will be adjusted to meet demand and difficult operational situations such as stores in city centre areas. The scheme aims to ensure an efficient collection system based on returns to each store.

Have a different question?

Contact us via email:

Or give us a call on  01 461 8680

How can I confirm if a product is registered with Re-turn?

When you are unsure if a product is registered, you can enter the barcode into our barcode checker to see find out the registration status.
Our barcode checker can be found here-

I am a wholesaler. What are my registration obligations?

Any company that sells/supplies in-scope products by wholesale in ROI is considered a Distributor according to the Republic of Ireland’s Separate Collections(Deposit Return Scheme) Regulations-S.I. No. 33 of 2024.

You have a legal obligation to register with Re-turn as a Distributor if you sell/supply products registered under other Re-turn producers.

You must also ensure all in-scope products you distribute are registered with Re-turn and include a Re-turn logo.

For all in-scope products placed on the market in ROI, you must charge a deposit and the deposit must be itemised as a separate line item on any invoice, receipt, credit note, dispatch and delivery docket containing in-scope products.

What is the deposit amount for in-scope products?

For in-scope products up to and including container sizes of 500ml, the deposit amount is €0.15.

For in-scope products over 500ml and up to 3L, the deposit amount is €0.25.

I import products as part of my wholesale business. Is this covered under my Distributor registration?

No. If you import products from producers that are based outside of ROI and you are the first to place those products on the ROI market, you are considered the Producer of those imported products.

As an importer, you have a legal obligation to register as a Producer and all in-scope imported products to be supplied in ROI must be registered under your Producer registration. Your products must also comply with Re-turn brand guidelines, including a Re-turn logo. For more information on Producer and product requirements, please visit our Producer page.

I import products as part of my wholesale business. Is this covered under my Distributor registration?

No. If you import products from producers that are based outside of ROI and you are the first to place those products on the ROI market, you are considered the Producer of those imported products.

As an importer, you have a legal obligation to register as a Producer and all in-scope imported products to be supplied in ROI must be registered under your Producer registration. Your products must also comply with Re-turn brand guidelines, including a Re-turn logo. For more information on Producer and product requirements, please visit our Producer page.

I import my own products and I’m registered as a Producer, but I also sell a few products that I purchase from other registered Producers. Is this covered under my Producer registration?

No. Your Producer registration only covers the products you have registered under your own Producer registration. You cannot legally sell/supply any other in-scope products unless you are also registered as a Distributor and/or Retailer. If you supply products registered under other producers to your wholesale business customers, you must register as a Distributor. If you sell products registered under other producers to the final consumer, you must register as a Retailer.

I'm a wholesaler and I sell my own imported products exclusively. Do I need to register as a Distributor as well as a Producer?

No. If you only sell/supply your own imported products and you do not sell/supply any products registered under other registered Producers, you do not need to register as a Distributor. You are only required to register as a Producer. For more information on Producer and product requirements, please visit our Producer page.

I'm a distributor and I operate vending machines. Is this covered under my Distributor registration?

No. Vending machine sales are considered retail sales because they are sales to the final consumer. Your Distributor registration only covers wholesale trade e.g. sales to other businesses customers. You must register as a Retailer in order to sell/supply to the final consumer in any capacity, including vending machine operations. Vending machines should be listed as individual premises under your Retailer registration. If you would like support registering your vending machines, please email us at

As a Distributor, do I have any takeback obligations?

No, Distributors have no takeback obligations under the regulations.

As a Distributor, do I need to apply for a takeback exemption?

No, Distributors do not need to apply for a takeback exemption as they do not have any takeback obligations under the regulations.

I sell stock to airlines and/or ships departing ROI. Are these sales considered domestic or export?

Products sold for in-flight/on-board consumption on airlines or ships departing the Republic of Ireland(ROI) are classed as exports, as they are not placed on the market in ROI.

Export products do not need to be registered with Re-turn. For more information, please see our Export, Airport and Maritime Stock Guidance. This document can be found in the Distributor Documents to Download section.

When we purchase stock from our supplier(producer), we cannot be certain whether the stock will be sold in ROI or NI until we receive orders from our customers – how should we treat this stock with regard to the deposit?

In this case, you should purchase international barcode Re-turn stock from the Producer as this is the only stock that can be sold in ROI and as export to NI or another jurisdiction. If you cannot determine what quantity of the stock will be sold as export at the time of your purchase, the Producer should charge deposits on 100% of the stock purchased. Once you’ve sold a quantity of this stock on as export outside of ROI with no deposit, you may request a refund for the deposits you were unable to recover as part of your export sale(s). For more information on export stock treatment, please see our Export, Airport and Maritime Stock Guidance. For more information on deposit refunds and eligibility, please see our Deposit Refund Guidance. Both documents may be found in the Distributor Documents to Download section.

I've paid a deposit on international barcode Re-turn stock when I purchased from the Producer, but then I went on to sell this stock as export outside of ROI without deposit. How can I recover the deposit I paid to the producer but was unable to recover as part of my export sale?

ROI only barcoded stock is meant for sale in ROI only. As all sales are domestic, a deposit must always be charged to the customer. You recover the deposit you paid to the Producer when you sell the product on to your ROI customer, so there is never a need for a deposit refund.

International barcode stock may be sold in ROI or outside of ROI to NI or another jurisdication as export. If international barcode stock being sold as export, you may request to purchase this stock from the Producer without a deposit. Ultimately, it is up to the Producer to determine if the international barcode stock is being placed on the market in ROI or sold as export when selling to Distributors and if a deposit should be charged.

The Producer has the right to charge a deposit on any international barcode stock as they determine necessary. You are obliged to pay a deposit on international barcode stock if the Producer charges a deposit. If the you go on to sell this stock as export with no deposit, you are unable to recover the deposit they paid to the Producer.

As international barcode stock is the only barcode type where it is possible that the Distributor may be unable to recover their deposit, this is the only barcode type eligible for deposit refunds.

I have seen non-Re-turn stock being sold in ROI, what should I do?

You should report this to us at Please include as much information as possible, for example: Where did you see non-Re-turn stock for sale? Which businesses were involved? What date did this occur? Our enforcement team will investigate accordingly.

Where can I find more information on the treatment of export stock?

For more information on the treatment of export stock, including acceptable stock for export trade, please see our Export, Airport and Maritime Stock Guidance. This document can be found in the Distributor Documents to Download section

Why is it only international barcode stock that can be eligible for deposit refunds and not ROI only barcode stock?

ROI only barcoded stock is meant for sale in ROI only. As all sales are domestic, a deposit must always be charged to the customer. You recover the deposit you paid to the Producer when you sell the product on to your ROI customer, so there is never a need for a deposit refund.

International barcode stock may be sold in ROI or outside of ROI to NI or another jurisdication as export. If international barcode stock being sold as export, you may request to purchase this stock from the Producer without a deposit. Ultimately, it is up to the Producer to determine if the international barcode stock is being placed on the market in ROI or sold as export when selling to Distributors and if a deposit should be charged.

The Producer has the right to charge a deposit on any international barcode stock as they determine necessary. You are obliged to pay a deposit on international barcode stock if the Producer charges a deposit. If the you go on to sell this stock as export with no deposit, you are unable to recover the deposit they paid to the Producer.

As international barcode stock is the only barcode type where it is possible that the Distributor may be unable to recover their deposit, this is the only barcode type eligible for deposit refunds

Do Re-turn offer a manual collection option for fundraisers?

Re-turn don’t collect loose material. Cans and bottles need to be put through a reverse vending machine, so they are compacted, in scope, not contaminated and to give a better Recyclate for reuse.

How do fundraisers redeem cash for their deposits?

You can exchange the value for cash when you get your deposit voucher from the reverse vending machine (RVM).

What support will my retailer provide?

It is recommended that each participant partners with a retailer and this is advised if you are dealing with large volumes. Re-turn doesn’t have any influence on what store you choose, but if you are having difficulties finding a store please let us know.

We encourage participants to do this themselves as retailers are keen to support community initiatives in their area and are aware of the initiatives through the deposit return scheme.

The retailer will agree on a convenient time to come down and put the bottles and cans through the machine. We have asked retailers to make sure bins are emptied before your arrival if the volumes are large.

How do fundraisers redeem cash for their deposits?

When you get your deposit voucher from the reverse vending machine, you can exchange the value for cash in-store.

Can other charities use the Deposit Return Scheme for fundraising or is it only ‘Return for Children’

All charities can use the Deposit Return Scheme for fundraising. Return for Children is Re-turn’s charity partner for selected events and festivals that Re-turn partners with.

Can charities partner with large companies to help with their fundraising?

Companies with a large workforce can purchase a reverse vending machine and set the machine up so that all deposits are donated to charity instead. No voucher will be given to the user to redeem the deposit. For more information on RVMs please contact

Can companies participate in fundraising initiatives for charity?

Companies that don’t wish to purchase an RVM can bring their empty containers to a local retailer with an RVM. The retailer will exchange the deposit voucher for cash, and this can be used to donate through platforms like iDonate. Bins, bags, and assets are also available for companies.

Can companies donate their containers to local schools, charities or clubs to help them with their fundraising?

Companies can hand over their containers to fundraising initiatives that have already been set up locally to help support the fundraiser.